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Our Evil Zucchini Love

By Lily That Shines Like Dawn

A Love Song For

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This one's for you Mrs Tigerstar!

My love for you is like the most Evil Zucchini,
Your face reminds me of Nasty Frogs,
Together, we are like Meatballs and Ranch.

Oh darling ,
My Evil Zucchini,
My Nasty Carrot,
The perfect companion to my Meatballs soul.

WindClan Cats' Blood are red,
Bruises are blue,
I like Flowers,
But not as much as I love Killing with you!

Oh darling ,
Your Shoulders are like Terrifying Paws on a Leaf-fall day,
You're like the most Creepy Leader to ever walk ShadowClan Territory.

Your Nasty Frog face,
Your Ranch soul,
Your Terrifying Shoulders,
Your Creepy Leader being...

How could I look at another when our Evil Zucchini love is so strong?

I love you Mrs Tigerstar!
Created on 21st March 2017.

Auto Praise for Our Evil Zucchini Love

"Can you feel the love tonight? I certainly can. is so lucky to feature in a song like this."
- DJ Smooth, Awesome Tunes Magazine
"'Comparing love to an Evil Zucchini is beautiful - just beautiful!"
- Little Max, The Pop Pop Channel
"Nasty Frogs? Seriously? Pass me a bucket. I can't deal with this level of blurgh."
- A Web User With Lots of Opinions
"This song talks to me. I too have a Ranch soul."
- Dan Gloop Jr, Facebook

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