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When Your Life is Full of False Core Kids and Falsies

By Grim Nekrokvlt of Balthazarageddamon

in the style of REM

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Wimps suck and poseurs suck.
The world is out to get you.
You want to desecrate virgins,
But your life is full of core kids and falsies.

You wonder when will it end.
You want Cliffbag Dio,
You want Varg Vikernes,
But all you see is Dave Mustaine.
Oh Dave Mustaine.
Oh wimps and poseurs, they'll pull you under,
Drain your life of death and wonder.

Wimps suck and poseurs suck.
The world is out to get you.
You want to desecrate virgins,
But your life is full of core kids and falsies.

You really want the world to end,
Goodbye Cliffbag Dio,
Goodbye Varg Vikernes,
And good riddance to Dave Mustaine.
Oh Dave Mustaine.
Oh wimps, poseurs, will pull you under,
Drain your life of death and wonder.

Wimps suck and poseurs suck.
The world is out to get you.
You want to desecrate virgins,
But your life is full of core kids and falsies.

Your life doesn't have to end.
Sing with Cliffbag Dio,
Dance with Varg Vikernes,
And put a curse on Dave Mustaine.
Oh Dave Mustaine.
Your life is false,
But get out and desecrate virgins.

You want the greatest thing
The greatest thing since you burned and died the falses.
You've got it all, you've got it sized.
If you are confused check with Metaljerk.
Carry a spiked phallvs ov doom to help you along.

Get out and desecrate virgins.
Created on 17th April 2014.

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