Song Lyrics Generator

Generate an Song in the style of Frank Sinatra

Please keep your input family friendly.
Need a prompt? Go random!

The surname of the person to whom you are singing

And what's their title?

Two things he or she loves (e.g. chocolate, dancing)

Two things he or she hates (e.g. Arsenal, bugs)

What is this person? (e.g. a tramp, a doctor, an gem)

How about YOU, are you...
Male Female

Something you like to be (e.g. free, rich, horny)

One thing people should do (e.g. be nice, eat vegetables)

Two things people shouldn't do (e.g. throw stones, eat sand)

What's coming to town? (e.g. true love, Santa Claus, a circus)

What's the stupidest thing you've ever said?
And finally, what's your artist name?

Stuck? Try our band name generator

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Frank Sinatra Song Lyrics Generator

Quickly make a Frank Sinatra song using a few words of your own or our automated keyword picker. We'll also create you a cover and song title.

Many songs are parodies of other work. If you want to use them elsewhere please check your country's parody laws.

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