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The Black Moon and the Network Outage

By Four-oh-four

In the style of Grease The Musical

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Black moon, you saw me programming alone,
Without a dream in my heart,
Without HPC cluster of my own.

Black moon, you knew just what I was there for,
You heard me saying a prayer for,
A HPC cluster I really could care for.

And then suddenly appeared before me, the only one my arms could ever hold.
I heard somebody whisper 'agora'
But when I looked, that moon had turned to a network outage!

Oh oh oh...

Black moon, now I'm no longer alone,
Without a dream in my heart, without a network outage of my own.

You better shape up,
'Cause I need a HPC cluster,
And instead I got a network outage.
You better shape up;
You better understand,
To my heart I must be true.
And this network outage and me are through!

We go together,
Like Gates and Ritchie, Like Ritchie and Gates.
Remembered forever,
As crappy crappy crappy slow-slow boom de boom de boom.

Well - a well - a well - a huh...
Tell me more, tell me more,
Will it run?

Tell me more, tell me more,
Is the network outage a joke?

Tell me more, tell me more,
Where is my sodding HPC cluster?

Programming dreams ripped at the seams, but oh those programming nights.
Created on 22nd August 2015.

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