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That's why Lord Weirdje is a god

By The Twatwaffleloons

In the style of Frank Sinatra

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"Have you met Lord Weirdje?"
Someone said as we shook hands.
He was just Lord Weirdje to me.

Then I said, "Lord Weirdje,
You're a gentleman who understands,
I'm a man who must be horny."

"'You better follow the server rules, you better not break the rules,
You better not die, I'm telling you why,
Drama is comin' to town!
Drama is comin' to town!
Drama is comin', comin' to town."

I practiced every day,
To find some clever lines to say,
To make the meaning come through...

And then I went and spoilt it all, by saying something stupid like:
"I'm an expert at killing dogs."

I can see it in his eyes, that he despises children,
Like the day before.

He loves banning rule-breakers,
He hates twats,
He loves /mute Elyki_XD.

That's why Lord Weirdje,
That's why Lord Weirdje,
That's why Lord Weirdje is a god.

I'm an expert at killing dogs.
I'm an...
Created on 30th May 2013.

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