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Munching With Arthur

By Dr Love

A Song in the Style of Ariana Grande

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Uh huh, it's Lisa
I got some problems

Thought I'd end up with Augustus,
But he wasn't yummy
I got one less problem without Augustus
I got one less problem without Augustus
One less problem without Augustus

Now all I can think about is Arthur
My, my Arthur
My, my Arthur

Oh one more time
I need to laugh
One more time
I promise after that, I'll let Arthur go
I don't care if Arthur got uneven legs
All I really care about is to laugh with Arthur
One more time
I need to be the one to laugh with Arthur, yeah

My, my Arthur
My, my Arthur
My, my Arthur, my Arthur
My, my Arthur
My, my Arthur
My, my Arthur, yeah

And I heard a rumour there's someone else
Oh she got a nose like a supermodel's
But I can give Arthur all my time
Oh she got ears like plungers
But my ears are better

Just keep munching and munching and munching and munching
And oh, I gotta keep, I keep on munching
Just keep munching and munching and munching and munching
And oh, I gotta keep, I keep on munching, mmm, yeah

Oh one more time
I need to laugh
One more time
I promise after that, I'll let Arthur go
I don't care if you got uneven legs
All I really care about is to laugh with Arthur
One more time
I need to be the one to laugh with Arthur, yeah

Just keep munching and munching and munching and munching
And oh, I gotta keep, I keep on munching
Just keep munching and munching and munching and munching...

Created on 11th February 2019.

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