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The Way You Love (The Cool, Hot And Nifty Man Song)

By Patrick is not gay

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You find so many people are cruel
But you, you are mostly cool

I like the way you love.
You do it so thereof.
I like the way you talk.
I like the way you fart.
You do it like a start.

You find so many people are wrought
But you, you are mostly hot

I love the way you wear your hair,
Spreading your style everywhere.
You're like a style fountain.
Enough zazz for a whole mountain.

You find so many people are thrifty
But you, you are mostly nifty

You're the perfect man.
No one brings me joy like you can.

You find so many people are cruel
But you, you are mostly cool

Cool, hot and nifty,
Well ard and poggers too,
Are the qualities of you

You find so many people are wrought
But you, you are mostly hot

Created on 15th February 2021.

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