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A Los Angeles State of Mind (The Bag Hip Hop)

By Dj Dick

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Yeah, yeah
Ayo, jesus, it's time.
It's time, jesus (aight, jesus, begin).
Straight out the small dungeons of rap.

The dope drops deep as does my poop.
I never flip, 'cause to flip is the motherflipper of dupe.
Beyond the walls of snakes, life is defined.
I think of god when I'm in a Los Angeles state of mind.

Hope the loop got some group.
My stoop don't like no dirty dupe.
Run up to the soup and get the scoop.

In a Los Angeles state of mind.

What more could you ask for? The heavy dope?
You complain about police.
I gotta love it though - somebody still speaks for the scope.

I'm rappin' to the bag,
And I'm gonna move your rag.

Sinks, wet, light, like a book
Boy, I tell you, I thought you were a look.

I can't take the police, can't take the ethics.
I woulda tried to touch I guess I got no bioethics.

I'm rappin' to the rag,
And I'm gonna move your bag.

Yea, yaz, in a Los Angeles state of mind.

When I was young my motherflipper had a grope.
I waz kicked out without no hope.
I never thought I'd see that slope.
Ain't a soul alive that could take my motherflipper's rope.

A dark bike is quite the hike.

Thinking of god. Yaz, thinking of god (god).

Created on 25th August 2021.

Auto Praise for A Los Angeles State of Mind (The Bag Hip Hop)

"If you only listen to one rap this year, let it me this one. Never before have I heard such genius as 'to flip' being compared to 'the motherflipper of dupe'."
- DJ Great, Awesome Rap Magazine
"The use of rhyme in this rap is phenomenal. 'loop', 'group', stoop' and 'dupe'. How does Dj Dick come up with this stuff?"
- Big Fox, The Hip Hop Channel
"This sums up my feelings about A Los Angeles perfectly."
- A Web User With Lots of Opinions


2 | 0 | 2

All Time Rank: 4031 out of 1405317
(We added the voting feature on 14th December 2017)

What do you think of A Los Angeles State of Mind (The Bag Hip Hop)?


Dj Dick

poop is crazy

25th August 2021 a 12:06

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