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A Tanglewood State of Mind (The Skeleton Hip Hop)

By _TheRubY_

A Rap

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Yeah, yeah
Ayo, My people, it's time.
It's time, My people (aight, My people, begin).
Straight out the Big dungeons of rap.

The home drops deep as does my book.
I never Sleep, 'cause to Sleep is the Nephew of hook.
Beyond the walls of Mining, life is defined.
I think of Adventures when I'm in a Tanglewood state of mind.

Hope the outlook got some look.
My overlook don't like no dirty hook.
Run up to the crook and get the cook.

In a Tanglewood state of mind.

What more could you ask for? The Tall home?
You complain about Dang Skellies.
I gotta love it though - somebody still speaks for the tome.

I'm rappin' to the skeleton,
And I'm gonna move your exoskeleton.

Strong, Fast, Daring, like a horse
Boy, I tell you, I thought you were a course.

I can't take the Dang Skellies, can't take the Fish.
I woulda tried to Eat I guess I got no wish.

I'm rappin' to the exoskeleton,
And I'm gonna move your skeleton.

Yea, yaz, in a Tanglewood state of mind.

When I was young my Nephew had a biome.
I waz kicked out without no chrome.
I never thought I'd see that comb.
Ain't a soul alive that could take my Nephew's syndrome.

An Unstoppable Dog is quite the demagogue.

Thinking of Adventures. Yaz, thinking of Adventures (Adventures).

This generator is in beta. Published raps may be subject to change.

You may also like Rapper Name Generator.

Created on 31st January 2018.

Auto Praise for A Tanglewood State of Mind (The Skeleton Hip Hop)

"If you only listen to one rap this year, let it me this one. Never before have I heard such genius as 'to Sleep' being compared to 'the Nephew of hook'."
- DJ Great, Awesome Rap Magazine
"The use of rhyme in this rap is phenomenal. 'outlook', 'look', overlook' and 'hook'. How does _TheRubY_ come up with this stuff?"
- Big Fox, The Hip Hop Channel
"This sums up my feelings about A Tanglewood perfectly."
- A Web User With Lots of Opinions

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