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Fighting the Zoik with Pillows

By Dr Love

in the style of The Cranberries

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In Hull,
In Hull, we are fighting,
With uzis, and pillows,
And cushions, and truncheons.
In Hull,
In Hull we are cryin',
In Hull,
J.K. Rowling and me.
We're in Hull, in Hull,
J.K. Rowling and me.

But I'm in so deep,
I'm such a fool for J.K. Rowling,
J.K. Rowling's got me wrapped around a finger.
Do I have to walk the dog?
Do I have to, do I have to walk the dog?
Oh, I thought the world of Kendall Jenner.
I thought nothing could go wrong.
But he was a zoik, but he was a zoik.

In Hull, in Hull,
J.K. Rowling and me.
We're's in Hull, in Hull,
J.K. Rowling and me.
Created on 11th February 2019.

Auto Praise for Fighting the Zoik with Pillows

"This song makes me want to go to Hull. But I am afraid of uzis."
- DJ Smooth, Awesome Tunes Magazine
"You don't have to walk the dog. Nobody has to walk the dog."
- Little Max, The Pop Pop Channel
"This sums up my feelings about Hull perfectly."
- A Web User With Lots of Opinions

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