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By Thirty-Seven Seconds to White Sands

An Original Song

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They get on with life as a graverobber,
They're a complicated kinda type.
They like burning money on Sundays,
They like choking chickens in the week.
They like to contemplate chaos.
But when they start to daydream,
Their mind turns straight to self-contradiction.

Five six seven eight...

Sometimes I look at them and I look into their eyes,
I notice the way they think about self-contradiction with a smile,
Curved lips they just can't disguise.
But they think it's chaos making their life worthwhile.
Why is it so hard for them to decide which they love more?
Chaos or...

They like to use words like 'pedogogy,'
They like to use words like 'wazoo.'
They like to use words about chaos.
But when they stop their talking,
Their mind turns straight to self-contradiction.

Five six seven eight...

Sometimes I look at them and I look into their eyes,
I notice the way they think about self-contradiction with a smile,
Curved lips they just can't disguise.
But they think it's chaos making their life worthwhile.
Why is it so hard for them to decide which they love more?
Chaos or...

They like to hang out with Zaphod Beeblebrox,
They like to kick back with Koko the Gorilla,
But when left alone,
Their mind turns straight to self-contradiction.

Five six seven eight...

Sometimes I look at them and I look into their eyes,
I notice the way they think about self-contradiction with a smile,
Curved lips they just can't disguise.
But they think it's chaos making their life worthwhile.
Why is it so hard for them to decide which they love more?
Chaos or...

They're not too fond of Repubicans,
They really hate Meat,
But they just think back to self-contradiction,
And they're happy once again.

Five six seven eight...
Created on 11th October 2018.

Auto Praise for Chaos

"Chaos or self-contradiction - it's the age-old question. This music is deep, man."
- DJ Smooth, Awesome Tunes Magazine
"'Five six seven eight...' - I just can't get it out of my head. Such a catchy song."
- Little Max, The Pop Pop Channel
"I'm a a complicated kinda type too, so this song really resonates with me."
- A Web User With Lots of Opinions
"This song deserves to be in the charts, perhaps with a music video depicting a graverobber dancing on the moon."
- Dan Gloop Jr, Facebook


1 | 0 | 1

All Time Rank: 161715.5 out of 1406192
(We added the voting feature on 14th December 2017)

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