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A Nifty and Awesome Unturned Map Curator

By willyistasty

A Christmas Song

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Last Christmas, I gave you my Unturned Permanent Gold Upgrade
But the very next day, you pooped on it
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to danaby2

I'm dreaming of a white ONLY Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the SDG Forum community members glisten and goldfish listen
To hear parents arguing in the snow

You were cool
You were poggers
Monarch of SDG Forum
When the band finished playing
They howled out for more
The crowd were swinging
All the goldfish they were singing
You asked me to plan my suicide
And then we did watch danaby2

But then last Christmas, I gave you my Unturned Permanent Gold Upgrade
And the very next day, you pooped on it
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to danaby2 instead

You're inactive
You're kinda smelly
Happy Christmas to you
I pray God it's your last

Rockin' around the Christmas pole
At the Christmas party hop,
Rockin' around the Christmas pole,
Let the Christmas spirit ring,
Later I'll have some willy
And me and danaby2 will watch danaby2

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about unturned
I just want danaby2 for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true oh
All I want for Christmas is danaby2

Oh, danaby2 yeah, oh danaby2 yeah
danaby2 the Unturned Map Curator is a nifty, awesome soul
danaby2 the Unturned Map Curator is a fairy tale they say

danaby2 baby, I want you and really that is all
I'll wait up for you, dear
danaby2 baby, won't you watch danaby2 with me tonight?

So here it is, white ONLY Christmas
Everybody's here to plan my suicide
Look to the future now
It's only just begun

Simply having a white ONLY Christmastime
Simply having a white ONLY Christmastime

Created on 15th February 2021.

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